Why being our partner or sponsoring these conference could be highly beneficial:

  1. High Visibility: Both Euromicro DSD and SEAA conferences attract a diverse and global audience of professionals, including researchers, academics, industry practitioners, and students. Sponsoring these events provides an excellent platform for companies to enhance their visibility and brand recognition within these communities.
  2. Networking Opportunities: As sponsors, companies gain exclusive access to networking opportunities with potential collaborators in the fields of digital system design and software engineering. This networking can lead to valuable partnerships, collaborations, and business opportunities.
  3. Market Intelligence: Supporting Euromicro DSD and SEAA conferences, companies can gain valuable insights into the latest trends, innovations, and developments in digital system design and software engineering. This firsthand knowledge can help sponsors stay ahead of the curve and make informed strategic decisions in their respective industries.
  4. Thought Leadership: Sponsoring Euromicro DSD and SEAA conferences provides companies with a platform to demonstrate their thought leadership and expertise in digital system design and software engineering. This can be achieved through sponsored presentations, workshops, and technical sessions, where sponsors can showcase their innovative solutions, technologies, and best practices.
  5. Customized Sponsorship Packages: Euromicro DSD and SEAA conferences offer flexible sponsorship packages that can be tailored to meet the specific needs and objectives of sponsoring companies. Whether companies are looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or launch new products/services, there are sponsorship opportunities available to suit their goals and budget.

Our offer:

  • Silver Sponsorship (1000 euros) -> Brand visibility : Sponsors receive prominent brand exposure through various channels such as signage, printed materials, website listings, social media mentions, and email marketing campaigns.
  • Gold Sponsorship (2000 euros*) -> Speaking Opportunities: opportunity to deliver keynote speeches, presentations, and/or participate in panel discussions related to their industry expertise, products, or services.
  • Platinum Sponsorship (3000 euros*) -> Exhibition Space for three-days: prime locations within the conference venue to showcase their products, services, and solutions.

* includes one free-registration without the gala event
