
The Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) addresses all aspects of (embedded, pervasive and high-performance) digital and mixed HW/SW system engineering, covering the whole design trajectory from specification down to micro-architectures, digital circuits and VLSI implementations. It is a forum for researchers and engineers from academia and industry working on advanced investigations, developments and applications. It focuses on today’s and future challenges of advanced embedded, high-performance and cyber-physical applications; system and processor architectures for embedded and high-performance HW/SW systems; design methodology and design automation for all design levels of embedded, high-performance and cyber-physical systems; modern implementation technologies from full custom in nanometer technology nodes, through FPGAs, to MPSoC infrastructures. Authors are kindly invited to submit their work according (but not limited) to the main topics of the conference main track. In addition, several Special Sessions (with their own coordinators and subprogram committees) do also welcome contributions in specific themes of particular interest. Papers from the main track and special sessions are reviewed according to common guidelines, quality requirements and acceptance thresholds.

Main topics

  • Artificial intelligence from edge to cloud: architectures, methods, tools and applications
  • Design and synthesis of systems, hardware and embedded software – specification, modelling, analysis, validation and testing
  • Design automation at system, processor, register-transfer, logic and physical levels
  • Formal methods in system and hardware design
  • IoT, cyber-physical, embedded systems and applications
  • Systems-on-a-chip, networks-on-a-chip and systems-in-a-package
  • High-performance, energy-efficient multi-core and many-core (heterogeneous) processor architectures.
  • Autonomous/adaptable/reconfigurable systems and architectures
  • Security, safety, reliability and multi-objective optimization of embedded and cyber-physical systems
  • Future trends, new applications and new technologies

Special sessions:

  • HSA: Architectures and Hardware for Security Applications, P. Kitsos (University of Peloponnese, GR), M. Novotny (CTU Prague, CZ)
  • ASHWPA: Advanced Systems for Health Wellness and Personal Monitoring, F. Leporati (U Pavia, IT), R. Stojanovic (U Montenegro, ME)
  • DDVC: Digital Design and Verification with Chisel, M. Schoeberl (DTU, DK)
  • DTFT: Dependability, Testing and Fault Tolerance in Digital Systems, P. Fiser (CTU Prague, CZ), H. Kubátová (CTU in Prague, CZ)
  • EPDSD: European Projects in Digital Systems Design, F. Leporati (U Pavia, IT), L. Jozwiak (TU/e, NL)
  • HIAAA: Hyperspectral Imaging Applications, Algorithms and Architectures, G. M. Callico (IUMA/ULPGC, ES), H. Fabelo (FIISC/IUMA/ULPGC, ES), S. Ortega (NOFIMA, NO)
  • HSTIEC: Hardware, Software, and Tools for the IoT-to-Edge-to-Cloud Continuum, D. Casini (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, IT),  F. Aromolo (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, IT), G. Rossolini (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, IT)
  • MATTERV : Opensource Methods, architectures, tools and technologies for RISC-V, S. Pillement (U. Nantes, FR), K. Martin (U. Bretagne-Sud, FR)
  • SDSD: Sustainable Digital System Design, T. Marty (Insa, Rennes, FR), M. Pelcat (Insa, Rennes, FR)
  • SPCPS: Safety, Security and Privacy of Cyber-Physical Systems, S. Dey (IIT Kharagpur, India), S. Park (TU Berlin, D) J. Sepúlveda (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, D)

Important dates:

  • Deadline for paper submission:  May 15th 2024 (TBC)
  • Notification of acceptance: June 12th (TBC)
  • Camera ready papers: June 26th (TBC)
